Friday, March 29, 2013

Updated Vocabulary List

Behind Rebel Lines

Vocabulary Words by Chapter *  You should create vocab cards on these words to help you study for the test, April 18th.

Chapter One

1.     Masquerade

2.     Vindicate

3.     Bombast

4.     Peril

5.     Militia

6.     Cavalry

7.     Pantaloons

8.     Tirade

9.     Adjutant

10.  Bureau

11.  Daft

Chapter Two

12. Dysentery

13. Coarse

14. Curt (ly)

15. Bivouac(s)

16. Guidon

17. Fife

Chapter Three

18. Artillery

Chapter Four

19.  Cajole (ing)

20.  Fortification

21.  Barrage

22.  Phrenology

23. Minstrel

Chapter Five

24. Gawky

25. Billets

26.   Siege

27.   Melancholy

Chapter Six

28.  Shamble

29.  Roan

30.  Cheeky

31.   Parapet

32.   Howizer

Chapter Seven

33.  Eavesdropping

34. Quaker Gun

Chapter Eight

35.  Tomfoolery

36. Prophetic

37.    Placid

38.   Vague

Chapter Nine

39.   Shawl

40. Typhoid

41.    Bugle

42.    Delirium

Chapter Ten

43. Halt

44. Meager

Chapter Eleven

45. Torrent

46. Fragment(ed)

47. Renegade

48. Bushwhacker(s)

Chapter Twelve

49. Furlough

50. Amiable

Chapter Thirteen

  1. Gilded

  1. Secede

  1. Cagey

  1. Tactful(ly)

  1. Ruddy

  1. Prosperous

  1. Fret

Chapter Fourteen

  1. Hasty

59. Truss

Chapter Fifteen

  1.  Craggy

  1. Besiege(d)

  1. AWOL

  1. Gaunt

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Great Artists : Torrey Pines Field Trip

In an attempt to photograph larger landscapes, the sixth grade headed out to Torrey Pines State Nature Reserve for a morning of photography. Armed with cameras and an eye for interesting perspectives, the class hiked the beautiful paths of the reserve. We began down at the beach with sunshine and ended up with dense fog once we reached the top of the mesa. The ever changing weather provided interesting moody vistas for us to shoot. For lunch, we picnicked on beach and enjoyed our free time with beach volleyball, building sandcastles, searching for sand dollars, and some candid photography. 

We are in the final stretch of Great Artists. We hope to see you on Thursday, April 4 from 5:30-8:00 for the Finale. It will be the best chance to see the fruits of our labor.  See you then!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Wacky Word of the Week: Abysmal


  1. Extremely bad; appalling.
  2. Very deep.

bottomless - unfathomable - fathomless

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Carbon Cycle Video Projects

After watching "The Inconvenient Truth," the sixth grade had many questions about global warming. To help us get a better understanding of this concept, we took a step back and study the carbon cycle. We explored what carbon is and why it is important with regards to global warming. Key vocabulary terms we studied were: carbon sources, carbon sinks, carbon reservoirs, methane gas and carbon dioxide. 

To solidify their understanding, groups of students created a video to demonstrate their understanding of the carbon cycle, their knowledge of the key vocabulary terms, and how the carbon cycle impacts global warming. 

Check out the videos!

The Carbon Cycle with K & C:  KG and CL share their knowledge talk show-style.

Carbon Cycle:  NW, IR, and SO video was paired with an informative poster

Carbon Cycle - Substitute Teacher: TD, KK, and MR educate with a substitute teacher

Fox 5 - Carbon Cycle: MHS, MG, and SW share via a news broadcast and rap.

Carbon Cycle: LC, MDS, and KS illustrate their way through the carbon cycle.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Great Artists: Overnight

Inspired by the lengths that Ansel Adams would go to get the right light, the class took on the challenge to get late dusk/early morning light. Being the creative thinkers and go-getters that they are, they jumped at the chance to do an overnight outing at the home of KS. Unfortunately, due to busy schedules not everyone could attend. Those who were able to attend had a busy evening. We arrived after school at our campsite. We pitched tents, hiked to a waterfall, ate burgers/hot dogs, played Apples to Apples, watched a movie, slept outside under the stars, woke up at 6:30am, took pictures, ate pancakes and bacon, and cleaned up camp. It was a productive and memorable outing!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Marketing a Hispanohablantes

Marketing a Hispanohablantes - Sexto Grado
Recently, in CPR (Circle of Power and Respect) sixth grade students were focusing their attention on Media Literacy and the different tools of persuasion used in all types of advertising. I had the opportunity to join in on their conversations which lead to larger conversations and questions about marketing to Spanish-speakers in the United States. What do Spanish-speakers like? How do Spanish commercials differ than ones in English? What type of consumer is a Spanish-speaker? Where do they live? What products do they prefer?

We began watching commercials in Spanish and looking at different types of print ads. While looking at these advertisements, students learned the 3 grades of adjectives (positivo, comparativo y superlativo). The 3 grades of adjectives eventually would help students create their projects.
After learning about the adjectives, we began to explore the 4 Ps in Marketing (product, price, placement and promotion). All four of these are essential when introducing a product to the market. We talked about how important it is to provide information and engage your target audience in just 30 seconds.

Students decided to create commercials and/or print ads incorporating the 3 grades of adjectives, information about marketing to Spanish-speakers and the 4Ps. Each group created a product for their target audience (elementary school-aged children) while keeping them in mind during their planning process. In addition, students shared these commercials with their Guatemalan friends at CAS.
Sixth graders enjoyed this study as they were able to explore different avenues of marketing and incorporate Spanish grammar too.

Sixth graders enjoyed this study as they were able to explore different avenues of marketing and incorporate Spanish grammar, and have fun too!

To view some of the students' commercials and print ads, click here

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Happy Pi Day!

Thank you MHS for creating an elaborate and creative CPR to celebrate Pi Day! (3/14)

In case you did not get enough of Pi, I wanted to share this link to a great article of how others have chosen to celebrate this mathematical relationship.

Happy Pi Day! Here's Some of the Wackiest Celebrations Around the World! -

Wacky Word of the Week: Labyrinth


  1. A complicated irregular network of passages or paths in which it is difficult to find one's way; a maze.
  2. An intricate and confusing arrangement.


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Great Artist Process: 3-7-13

Bret was back today to help us with our shading. Each student picked a black and white image to re-create with pencil. They were shown how to sketch out the outline of the major images, then begin filling in the the darkest areas and move up the tonal value chart towards white. Many students are well on their way to understanding shading and tonal values.

Thank you, Bret for sharing your expertise and your passion for drawing and art!

Stay tuned for the finished images!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Great Artists Process: Update 3-6-13

Our Great Artist process was enhanced with a visit from Bret C. He brought to life the tonal value chart made famous by Ansel Adams. The students practiced identifying tones in various Ansel Adams images. They worked on creating their own tonal value charts with pencils of varying lead hardness. They then practiced shading a circle to make it look more like a sphere. Bret will lead the class in an exercise to re-create an Ansel Adams image with pencils and shading techniques in the coming days. 

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Wacky Word of the Week: Namby-Pamby

1. Insipid and sentimental.
2. Lacking vigor or decisiveness; spineless.