Friday, October 5, 2012

Update from Carwai

Can you believe that we have already completed one month of school?! 
CPR activity: Self-Portraits

We are finally getting into our routines and finding our rhythm with the schedule. In math, we have settled into a comfortable pace. It is a mix of review and new material. We have covered topics such as exponents, order of operations, absolute value, and introduction to algebraic expressions and functions. For the next few weeks we will be immersed in operations with integers.

In science, the students are researching a different type of energy. They have sorted themselves into smaller groups and will be teaching/presenting to each other so we are all more knowledgeable about these types of energy. You should ask your child about their research!

Here is some news from Janie in the Library:

"This week we have been learning about Destiny, the library software. This program has a lot of great capabilities and can be accessed from any web browser. Students this week learned to log on and check the library for books, see what books they have checked out, and "friend" people within our school community. We also briefly discussed on-line etiquette, safety and cyber-bullying. It would be great if you could discuss this with your kids and let them practice accessing our library website. We will be using it for research projects as well as library information, so practice is great. This is a safe site, among our community only, and 1st grade and up will be learning about it.  The website is and they click on The Children's School link and then log-in. "

The class made their first trip to visit the Preschool today. We will partner with the preschoolers this year.  We hope to spend time with them, create some activities and be a resource for them. Our hope is to build community bonds with different classes this year.

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